Our team

Aliev Sarvar Ubaydullaevich

Dean of the“Management, Medical Biology,

Biomedical Engineering and Nursing” faculty

Associate Professor of the Department of Infectious and Children’s Infectious Diseases

Abzalova Nodira Akmalovna

Deputy Dean for the academic part of the

“Nursing” direction of the

“Management, medical biology, biomedical

engineering and Nursing” faculty

PhD in Economics

Safarov Ulugbek Qarshiboyevich

Deputy Dean for the academic part of the

“Management and biomedical engineering”

direction of the “Management, medical biology,

biomedical engineering and Nursing” faculty

Abdurakhmonova Nodira Khusnutdinovna

Deputy dean for youth affairs of the

“Management, Medical Biology,

Biomedical Engineering and Nursing” faculty