High-class pediatrician, first vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs of the Tashkent Medical Academy, academician of the Turan Academy of Sciences, doctor of medical sciences, professor T.A. Bobomurotov celebrated his 60th birthday.

Deep-minded, broad-minded, open-hearted, a leader in medical science, most importantly, he can be an example to people, a scientist who considers his duty to society as an obligation with his modest qualities. has been an example to many with his qualities.

Turdiqul Akramovich’s scientific and pedagogical activity began at a hospital in Bakhmal district.

Since 1989, the scientist’s rich and intense work has been tested in the course of a number of responsible tasks at the Samarkand Medical Institute.

At first, Turdikul Akramovich, who worked in the children’s department of the clinic as a doctor, department head, graduate student, assistant, associate professor, professor, head of the department, chairman of the staff union committee, dean of the medical faculty, supported his candidacy in 1994. In 1995, he received the title of high-class pediatrician. In 2002, he successfully defended his doctoral thesis on “Effectiveness of using regional lymphatic therapy and narrow-spectrum infrared rays in acute bronchopulmonary diseases of young children”, and in 2004 he received the scientific title of professor.

Currently, the scientist works as the first vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual-educational affairs of the Tashkent Medical Academy, the head of the department of propaedeutics of children’s diseases of the Tashkent Medical Academy. As a pediatrician, Turdikul Akramovich worked on the reduction of child mortality and related diseases in 8 most relevant areas.

For several years, Turdiqul Akramovich worked as a member of the scientific council specializing in pediatrics at TTA and TashPMI, and as an expert in the field of medicine of the High Attestation Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Under his leadership, 5 candidacy and 2 doctoral theses were defended. 5 dissertations were prepared for defense. More than 250 scientific, educational and methodical works were published in popular scientific magazines. T. Bobomurotov made a significant contribution to medical science with 7 textbooks and books, 8 monographs, and 11 inventions. Turdiqul Akromovich’s many years of work, exemplary life and activity are included in the books called “Samarkand medical history”, “Sacrifice of my life”, “100-year history of the Medical Academy”, “The science of man means the science of the world”.

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